Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Things worth reading: An Unpublished Interview With Hunter S. Thompson

Oh, and for your listening pleasure:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I love Instapaper.

For the longest time I've used NetNewsWire as my primary RSS reader. It pulls RSS feeds off of the websites I like and puts them into a nice little faux web browser in the reader. That way I can get the 'full-effect' of reading the feeds in their natural habitat in a small browser rather than firing up an actual browser and reading them there. And for a long time I was happy, filling a sidebar full of unread articles that, someday, I would read. But after a brief incident where NetNewsWire decided that was (yes, that'd be a pornographic website) in Hillsdale's Mossey Library, thus introducing Hillsdale's more impressionable fundies to hardcore bondage, I decided it might be time to switch to a new RSS reader.

So, I started using Google Reader and haven't bothered to look back. I've only had one gripe with Google Reader and it's how much my eyes hurt after squinting at the screen for a half hour reading its feeds. Enter Instapaper.

Instapaper is a free website which cuts out all of the crummy ads out of news articles and blog posts and leaves nothing but the text -- which, by the way, is wonderful when you're reading a 49 page long article on Scientology. Really, though, it's nice to have a web page dedicated to simple text, and occasionally a picture or two without having ads trying to persuade you that Hillsdale, Mich., is the perfect place to meet 20 somethings who want to do nasty things with you in bed, that you've won an X-box 360, iPad, iPhone and a new computer all at once, that you can get a magazine subscription for pennies on the dollar and that a helpful informational ad wants you to know that Barack Obama is not an American citizen, but a socialist hell bent on spreading a pinko-commie doctrine.

All gone. And it saves my eyesight. Which is kind of the point, I suppose.